

Your Factory Dashboard: E-Gemba

  • “Now we focus on the real issues stopping production. Meetings are much shorter and things get fixed”
  • “So simple to have one place to log issues and see actions.”

Live Dashboard showing state of production.

How it works:

Typically the Team Leader will select the operation and trigger the action status to change the dashboard.

They will add the notes and decide the urgency, if they select Escalate then the notes will appear on the summary escalation page automatically. System is designed to avoid any duplication or time wasting.

On the Dashboard [Last message appears on the hover over]

Click on the Escalation Meeting Button to see urgent issues. Actions and ownership can be assigned during review meetings. All notes are stored and can be recalled for repeated issues. At midnight the dashboard circles reset to green – no issues and awaits the updating next day. [Notes and actions remain, but we are asking the team Leader to review and flag current issues, similar to a morning ‘line walk’]

Empower your shopfloor with the E-Gemba

  • “At last there is a sense of urgency around getting product to customers“.
  • “Its great management concentrate on the escalations and drive for action”.
  • “We have a target of 24hrs to solve eccalation issues“
  • “Great for our multi-site operations”

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